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How to Transition from Road Running to Trail Running?

¿Cómo hacer la transición del running en carretera al trail running?


Hay varias cosas a tener en cuenta al pasar del running en carretera al trail running. El entrenador de atletismo Jimmy Dean Freeman comparte sus pensamientos. Desde descubrir senderos locales hasta pasear, hacer caminatas y más. Este es el primero de varios vídeos de nuestra serie "Conceptos básicos del trail running".

Conceptos básicos del trail running

Estoy aquí para hablarte sobre los senderos. Es uno de mis lugares favoritos para estar. Es posible que muchos de vosotros estéis corriendo por muchos caminos y os preguntéis cómo hacer la transición al trail running. Lo primero que quizás quieras hacer es buscar en línea, encontrar algunos grupos locales de carreras de senderos, tiendas de carreras o incluso hablar con algunos de tus amigos que tengan más experiencia en carreras de senderos que tú.

carrera de montaña con amigos

Vas a salir a los senderos y una de las primeras cosas que vas a hacer es intentar dejar de lado tus objetivos de ritmo y kilometraje. Cuando estás en la carretera, es fácil quedar atrapado en el ritmo por milla. Una carrera de 6 millas por carretera puede que no te lleve mucho tiempo, mientras que en los senderos puede que te lleve un 50 % más.

rutas de senderismo eléctricas

Es común cuando te subes a los senderos caminar un poco, no es un recorrido continuo todo el tiempo. Quieres empezar a dejar de lado el ritmo por milla y centrarte más en tu esfuerzo y en tu tiempo total de pie.

fundamentos del trail running

Algunas de las cosas que experimentarás en los senderos son paisajes, tierra y animales. Es un lugar mucho más tranquilo para estar y es mucho más hermoso.

Te darás cuenta de lo hermoso que puede ser y es la carrera que esperarás con ansias en todo momento.

Esta semana participe para tener la oportunidad de ganar una tarjeta de regalo de proyectos PATH de $75. Para participar, cuéntanos: "¿qué consejo le darías a los corredores que buscan iniciarse o mejorar su Trail Running?" Se elegirá 1 ganador al azar antes del 29/04/19.

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36 comentarios

Take it easy and don’t look down at your feet,look about 15 feet ahead of you and trust your brain to guide you!

Michael McCloud,

Understand that you will be slower than running road. Be alright with forgetting about your pace! Listen to your body. If you need a break, take one. It’s alright to slow down, walk, and stop for a few minutes. Don’t forget to take in the views.

Gunnar Barrera,

It is OK to walk up hills.


Success and enjoyment in trail running all comes down to listening to your body. I was a track and road runner for years before I started hitting the trails, so the importance of consistent pacing was deeply ingrained. In my first few months of trail running, I would kill myself on the hills for fear of dropping off my usual pace. Finally I figured out that pace and time doesn’t mean much when it comes to running up and down mountains — especially over longer distances! Even the elites hike in races. Listen to what your body is telling you, not your watch. If the hill hurts, back off the pace. If you’re feeling great, press on! “Hike early, hike often.” Make it your mantra.

Jacob Kuntz,

After running my first trail race last year and my first ultra this year I have learned that finding a good mentor or coach along with several trail buddies have made the switch a successful one for me. I would also advise someone new to the trail to invest in a good pair of trail shoes (Hoka Speedgoat for me) and the right apparel for which you can’t go wrong with any of the Path Projects pieces.


Forget your pace, remember to smile and don’t forget to stop and enjoy the views!

Karleen Smith,

Forget about your pace, road and trail pace are completely different. Also, be patient with distance goals, your body will need time to adjust to the unevenness of the terrain. One more thing, plan your footsteps ahead time especially if the trail is super technical.

Blake Owen,

Be patient. It can be hard to hold back when the trails scream “speed up”. Take your time and build up the strength to prevent injury. It’s all about the patience. Have fun out there!

Thomas Seeley,

After running my first trail race last year and my first ultra this year I have learned that finding a good mentor or coach along with several trail buddies have made the switch a successful one for me. I would also advise someone new to the trail to invest in a good pair of trail shoes (Hoka Speedgoat for me) and the right apparel for which you can’t go wrong with any of the Path Projects pieces.

Paul Stockdale,

Plot out where the park bathrooms are.


Bring your own hydration system with you on longer races.


Shorten your stride to account for uneven terrain. Do yourself a favor and walk/hike the steeper uphills.

Jordan Miller,

Find a route you’d like to hike… and just give running it a try. You’ll be loving it in no time.


Spend more time on the trails versus the roads, even if it means running slower or walking. Learn by doing!

Gio DiDomenico,

Hike more. Don’t worry about pace.

Jeremy Sisler,

Leave the ear buds at home and tune in to the environment around you. Be fully aware of your surrondings

Joe Van Remortel,

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