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Chicago Marathon Weekend with Ten Junk Miles

Fin de semana del maratón de Chicago con diez millas basura


🚨Participe para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de $100, consulte los detalles a continuación. 🚨

corriendo en chicago
Acabamos de regresar de 4 días corriendo, animando y reuniéndonos con amigos en Chicago. El fin de semana de maratón estuvo en pleno efecto con muchas actividades de carrera.
Nos reunimos con el podcast Ten Junk Miles para comer la mejor pizza de plato hondo de la ciudad y grabar un programa grupal. Tuvimos una larga conversación sobre cómo comenzaron los proyectos PATH, lo que hemos aprendido en los últimos 2 años, los próximos productos y mucho más. Enlace del episodio a seguir el próximo mes.
podcast de diez millas basura
Con Scott Kummer, Holly Lindroth y Adam Benkers en el estudio Ten Junk Miles.
Después de visitar la exposición maratónica, hicimos un recorrido por el centro de Chicago. La lluvia y el viento caían con toda su fuerza y ​​nos permitieron vislumbrar el otoño en el Medio Oeste.
grupo de corredores en chicago
floris gierman y scott kummer diez millas basura
El sábado por la mañana, organizamos una carrera maratónica con amigos de los proyectos PATH, Ten Junk Miles y Extramilest. Es fantástico conocer a corredores de todo Estados Unidos, Canadá, Australia y Europa. Corrimos por el paseo marítimo y hablamos de estrategias de carrera y entrenamiento para maratones.
carrera grupal en chicago
El domingo animamos a más de 40.000 maratonistas en la milla 24 de Michigan Ave. Es muy emocionante ver a los corredores de élite pasar tan rápido y sin problemas.
Es increíble ver a Brigid Kosgei establecer un nuevo récord mundial femenino en 2:14:04
El entrenador Morgan de The Run Experience organizó una transmisión web en vivo de 2 horas desde la milla 24, mientras todos animaban a los corredores.
proyectos de ruta diez millas basura y la experiencia de correr

Únase a nuestras próximas carreras grupales:

31 de octubre - jueves
Carrera grupal en Central Park, Nueva York
Únase a nosotros para una suave carrera de 4 millas.

1 de noviembre - viernes
Sesión de fotos de proyectos PATH - Central Park, Nueva York
Únase a nosotros para tomar algunas fotos para el Blog de proyectos PATH

2 de noviembre - sábado
Carrera Shakeout del Maratón de Nueva York
Únase a nosotros para una breve carrera de sacudida (30 minutos). ¡Cuelgue, charle y más!

7 de diciembre - sábado
Carrera Shakeout del maratón CIM - Sacramento, CA
Únase a nosotros para una breve carrera de sacudida (30 minutos). ¡Cuelgue, charle y más!

🚨Participe para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de $100🚨

Felicitaciones al ganador de la semana pasada , AJ Neufeld, por ganar 1 camiseta Cascade y 2 forros Tahoe Base.

Esta semana participe para ganar una tarjeta de regalo de $100 de proyectos PATH. Háganos saber en los comentarios, ¿qué consejo le daría a otros corredores que buscan mejorar su carrera?

También podrías disfrutar:

174 comentarios

Don’t just run… add yoga (preferably hot) and if that hammy or achilles is barking at you then scrape it, roll it, and rest accordingly.

Michael Stern,

Keep showing up and be consistent. Kick things up every once in awhile, by getting out of your comfort zone to test your limits and see what happens. If you’re going to miss a run, don’t miss your long one.


You have to get to the start line before you can get to the finish line – if you feel some niggles or injury coming on, best to address them sooner rather than later. Much easier to take time off in the beginning/middle of a training cycle than realize you’ve crossed a point of no return with only a couple weeks to go til race day

Kelly Kaineg,

Have fun, believe in yourself, train hard, back off if you sense an injury coming on, and realize that you’re always capable of running faster than you think you can!

Joe Dudman,

There is a lot of good advice here, but I would say that it took me a while to believe it, but taking the easy days easier than you think you should is very beneficial as long as you put some effort behind the hard days.

Benjamin Johnson,

Don’t take it so seriously that it’s not still fun. Run with people that make you happy and don’t be afraid to get a little out of your comfort zone. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish!

Gary Lampman,



Running-specific: listen/pay attention to your body/sensory data. Sometimes there is a reliance on data from GPS watches and heart-rate monitors, and being too tied down to a training plan. You need to learn how you FEEL when you’re dancing on that line of discomfort mid-run, and how you FEEL the day after a tough workout. You don’t HAVE TO do 4 miles at 8:30 pace on your easy day if you feel exhausted for whatever reason, and you don’t have to run 7:30 pace for 10 miles if you’re on vacation in a hilly area, or a hot area, or on a trail instead of roads, or if you just feel like 7:50 pace is equivalent to how you felt last week doing 7:30. Likewise, if you go into a race with a 6:30 per mile goal, and 6:15 feels awesome, don’t panic and slow down because your watch says so. You’re having a great day. Enjoy the ride!

Non-running specific: running is a choice. We are not obligated to run. Do what you can to make it enjoyable. If you like running with people, find a group. If you like to travel, find out-of-town races. If you like food, make your own post-race snacks and meals. Don’t make running something you feel you have to fit in. It should be something you look forward to.

Michael Potter,

Be consistent. Ditch the watch, run by effort. Do harder workout days, take rest days, do easier effort days. Put in the effort and always keep the long term in mind.

Ultrarunnermama ,

Consistent running is the key to a big performance jump! Find the way to be consistent, even if that means slowing down runs, and you’ll be ahead of the game!

Jason Sippel,

Advice – chill out and be consistent. Don’t stress about the nitty gritty. Just get out there, do your runs, and make it fun.

David Porter,

Be selfless! You have to find time that not only benefits you and your training program, but time that acknowledges you wife, Family, and/or friends. These are The people that are going to cheer you on, during the race. You can’t be selfish and only wanting to improve your self, you need to motivate and improve the other people around you helping you improve yourself. #RuntheMileyou’rein

Sam Pate,

As simple as it sounds, you have to work to improve. If you want to run faster, you have to run faster. If you want to go farther, you have to run longer. If you want to climb better, you have to run hills. But extra work also means extra recovery and without recovery that work won’t be sustained.

Curtis Hall,

Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t worry about what others are doing or more importantly posting on social media. Set goals for YOU and take pride in the fact that no matter how small your improvements may seem you are in fact moving forward and becoming the best runner YOU can be!! #RunMichigan

Matt Hughes,

set the intention and sustain it. Listen to your body and make incremental improvements. Mastery of your running practice will come in time with sustained effort. Be patient.

Russell Kemp,

If you want to improve, make sure you challenge yourself just enough so you don’t brake. Make sure to rest, work on your strength and do NOT care about your friends progression. Everyone is individual.

Ludvig Grenmo,

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