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Come run and hike with us in Seattle on Sunday August 4th!

Come run and hike with us in Seattle on Sunday August 4th!


🚨Enter for a chance to win a running kit for hot weather running ($130 prize value, see details at bottom of this post. 🚨


We have several group runs coming up in Seattle, Chicago, New York, Sacramento, San Diego, Los Angeles and more cities. 

This week we're heading to Seattle and are planning a really fun trail run with friends. Come join us on Sunday August 4th at Kendall Katwalk Trail, an hour outside of Seattle. 

Kendall Katwalk Trail

Photo: Sierra Eberly

We will be taking it easy and will be running and hiking this beautiful trail. Floris is also bringing his camera to shoot photos for the Path Projects blog, similar to our recent San Francisco group run

If you want to join, here are the details:

  • Kendall Katwalk Trail is a 14.1 mile out and back trail located near Snoqualmie Pass, Washington that features a lake and is rated as difficult.
  • Meet up time: 5:30am
  • Run starts at 5:45 am
  • Directions: From Seattle, east on I-90 to exit 52. North off the freeway, first right into PCT-North parking lot. 
  • Meeting spot is at beginning of the trailhead, located at the east end of the parking lot.
  • Elevation gain is about 3200 feet, so there is definitely some climbing. 
  • Full map
  • Photos
  • Federal Northwest Forest Pass is required and can be purchased at REI, Big 5 or on the Forest Service website

Trail elevation profile Kendall Katwalk Trail

Not sure what time we will be done by. If you like to join for part of it, the trail is a heavily trafficked out and back, so you can turn around any time you want. 

If you have any questions, email Floris at

We look forward to seeing some of you guys on Sunday! More group runs coming up in other cities too in Chicago, Sacramento, New York, San Diego, Los Angeles and more locations. Stay tuned for more info! 


Enter to Win contest

Enter for a chance to win this hot weather running gear kit ($130 value), contest ends August 7th. To enter, let us know, in which cities or on which trails should we set up our next Path Projects group run? Let us know in the comments below.


• Only valid for US residents. >> Full rules and regulations <<

• Congrats to Kevin Meyer for winning the 5 Cascade shirts in last weeks contest. 

2 minute read


Los Ángeles, Mt Wilson trail. Or anything in the LA forest.


Gotta come to Connecticut and western Massachusetts! Southern New England has some amazing and technical trails. It’s not typically what you think of when you think of Connecticut, but there is a healthy and thriving trail running community here!

Joe Mayer,

Angeles Oaks, Ca. The trails of the Sand to Snow national monument. South Fork trail is super fun.

Nathan Swift,

Atlanta, Georgia but make sure you acclimate to the humidity first!

Peyton Stone,

The mountain desert trails of El Paso, Texas or Las Cruces, New Mexico. We’ll help schedule and co-host the run.

Zach Gonzalez ,

Come over here to New Zealand and run The Old Ghost Road in the South Island (just maybe wait til the weather gets a bit warmer)!

Andrew Willcocks,

Dallas! A little south of Dallas to Cedar Hill Preserve. Be sure to wear the hot weather gear. It can be unforgiving over here.

Ryan Brown,

You guys need to come out to the Great North. Duluth, MN and the Superior Hiking Trail would be an amazing place for a PATH projects run!

Jamison Swift,

The Awendaw Passage of the Palmetto Trail near Charleston SC is perfect for hot weather running!

Nathan Dewey ,

Come to the DFW! Particularly Cedar Ridge Preserve!

Isaac Hicks,

Richmond, VA! We have over 20 miles of trails downtown! Plus whitewater rafting, great food and too many breweries to count!


Come on out to St. Louis and hit up Greensfelder and Rockwoods Reservation. They all connect out in that area.

Caleb Smith,

Come to Philadelphia
The Schuylkill River Trail is a great way to explore the city and its environs. Not so easy to spell though !

Michael Devon,

Come out to Hot Lanta aka Atlanta and get on some great trails with a cool off in the Hooch!

John Kemp,

San Diego, Mother Miguel Mountain/Rock House via Steele Canyon Bridge


Come to San Luis Obispo, CA! We can hit up the Irish Hills, Montana de Oro and/or Cuesta Ridge


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