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Our 10 Favorite Running Posts of 2019 + Enter to Win!

Our 10 Favorite Running Posts of 2019 + Enter to Win!


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Running blog posts PATH projects

As we are nearing the end of the year, we looked back at our favorite blog posts this year. In case you missed any of these, we thought you'd enjoy these trail safety tips, running strategies, podcast compilations and more:


Running barefoot builds feet muscle!


Run faster by running slow.

When I started running in 2018, every run was like a threshold/tempo run. In 2019, I did most of my miles really slow after learning about aerobic-base / lifetime miles, and then seeing results in races. I’d hit paces I never thought I could achieve for a 5K/10K/Half Marathon duration. I’m sure that will level off at some point, but I’ve got a lot more aerobic fitness to build up yet.

Terrence Huey,

Consistency is more important than hitting mileage goals ✌️

Brandon Root ,

I learned that 45 isn’t to late to start running, lose 40 pounds, and learn some important things about who you are. I learned i can do difficult things I never thought possible. O.K. that’s several things but it would be difficult to single out one thing running has brought into my life.

Jason Boer,

Some of my best runs are the ones when I don’t bring headphones.


Foam rolling saves lives!

Apryl Tolstoy ,

Nutrition can take my running to the next level!

Collin Bell,

Each PR has a long list of small gains leading to it.


even if you only have 30 minutes, get outside


That despite injury and bad weather, sometimes the body will push through for a PR in another race!

Colleen Smith,

Runnning is living!! ❤️❤️

Paul Trew,

I learned that while I am not the athlete I used to be, I can still push myself to the edge and find where my limits are. Marathon training this year without a lot of structure reinvigorated my love for the sport.


I learned that I don’t need crazy weekly mileage to accomplish a 50-miler! Last year I almost burnt myself out putting in lots of longer runs during the week and then two huge runs on many weekends. Then my race was canceled anyway. This year in preparation for the same race I used a lighter plan and had a better fitness perception (if that’s a thing), as well as a better attitude and didn’t have to skip out on family time as much. I go to the race and realized I had written a winning formula to get to the race as ready as I could be!


Our limits are in our minds, not a number representing distance. While running Bigfoot 40 this year I felt great at 26.2 and great at 50k. Had the race been either of those distances my mind would have told me I was at my limit when I approached those numbers. We are capable of more than we think.

Rodger Funk,

To stay patient and just relax and smile when you run :D

James Rolls,

Creating and putting myself in uncomfortable situation allow me the opportunity to grow as a Runner!! In 2020, let’s create more uncomfortable experiences for growth.

Henry Wong,

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