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Running 500km in 5 days and zero chafing issues!

Running 500km in 5 days and zero chafing issues!


Vol state 500k running Philip Vondra

Path Projects customer Philip Vondra emailed us after completing the Vol State 500km race: 

''I wore the Sykes shorts and Tahoe 5'' base liner the whole time (5 days) and I had zero chafing issues. Super comfortable. The light color was perfect and I never felt overheated. The race was a total epic adventure. Running through the small towns and heat of Tennessee was really good fun. During the days it was well over 100f and humid! I have had big problems with chafing but Path Projects has solved those issues for me.''

Hear more details about Philips race in The Pain Cave Podcast: ''Episode 64 - Return to Racing at Vol State with Phil Vondra''

Gear Phil raced in:

 Sykes shorts running Tahoe Base Liner running


Our running shorts are designed to be a top performer, whether you are running 2 miles or 200+ miles. 
We want your experience of running to be as rewarding as possible: 
  • We use the most innovative fabrics and the highest performance materials from Europe and Asia. 
  • Our separate short and base liner system virtually eliminates all chafing. 

Below are a few more stories from PATH customers and friends, who have used our gear for the ultimate tests. 

Badwater 135 miles, Keys 100 and Badwater Sea 81 miles

Badwater 135 running Siva Balu

Siva Balu shared with us: 

''I had a great experience running Badwater, thanks to PATH Project gear.  The t-shirt, shorts and cap were great for the heat. I wore the t-shirt and shorts for the entire race.''

 Badwater 135 mile race Siva Balu Badwater 135 miles


I also wore PATH Project shorts for my previous races too (Keys100 and Badwater Salton Sea 81 miles). Thanks again for your help!' - Siva Balu 

Gear Siva races in:

sykes shorts torch base liner
cascade t-shirt zion cap 

Utah BRAWL 300-mile run with 60k+ vertical ft of gain

Utah 300 Brawl


Recently Ben Light, Mike McKnight, Dax Hock completed a 300-mile run that linked up the Bear 100 in the Bear River Range and the Wasatch 100 in the Wasatch range and completed them both with a 100-mile route that linked them together. The full distance consisted of over 60K+ vertical ft of gain.

This race was in support of helping their friend para-athlete Austin Patten attain his goal of completing an Ironman Triathlon. The trio is raising funds to purchase their friend Austin the required para-triathlete racing wheelchair, and to provide specialized coaching for his new challenges. For more info and donations, visit their Facebook Page here.

After completing the 300 miler, Ben shared with us:

''PATH shorts and briefs have been the perfect combination of support, comfort and durability while running hundreds of miles at a time.''


Gear used:

Graves px running shorts Torch fx base liner 

At Path Projects every stitch and seam is a debate about comfort, durability and craftsmanship.

We design and modify, test and hack. Because we want to run farther, with less effort, and more joy.

running shorts running base liners 
running shirts running headwear



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