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Mountain tested at Cocodona 250

Mountain tested at Cocodona 250


Cocodona Race 250

Cocodona is a 250+ mile ultra run across Arizona. Last week 4 PATH KREW members and several PATH customers tested their own limits for several days in a row. 
Here are some of their stories!
Iain Jones at Cocodona 250
''I wanted to do something that terrified me. This was so beyond anything I'd done before and so it fit the bill perfectly. '' - Iain Jones
Tom Gulch at Cocodona 250
''Leading up to race day I was a bundle of nerves and waiting for an anxiety episode to explode. Come race morning, with little sleep the night before, I was calm and focused and cycled the plan and route through head. As we left the start line I left everything in the faith of my training and my stellar crew to guide me to the finish. Funny how in a race like this the emotional highs and lows seem to look the same as the elevation profile. '' Tom Gulch
cocodona race 250
''What an incredible and surreal experience. Every one of these multi-day 200+ races that I do have a myriad of ups and downs, altered states and moments of elation.  It really is difficult to form any sentence that captures the whole experience in its entirety. It is truly, for me, an out of body experience. With each one, I learn a new thing about myself, also what works and what doesn't. '' Dave Stinchfield
cocodona 250
''I had a great time running with new and old friends alike, and I often took it easy under the hot Arizona sun. The first 35 miles in 2022 were far easier than the first 35 miles in 2021, but I still took my time so I didn't overheat. In 2021 I didn't sleep very much until quite late in the race. This year I was more strict in my plan and laid down for 60 to 90 minutes every night starting at mile 61 at Whiskey Row in Prescott. This strategy of banking sleep early paid off well for me and I mostly avoided sleep deprivation issues. 
Keeping effort and heart rate under control in the heat of the day was always my plan, so I didn't run a lot during the heat of the day, but I could still powerhike and keep a decent pace. '' - Wes Plate
Cocodona 250
''My Cocodona race experience was spiritual on so many levels, from the connection with God's creation, the closeness of the crew and pacers, interactions with other racers, and digging deep inside to progress. There were many low moments when things got tough or when tired; these were lifted up by the higher ones when things just trucked along. Going for multiple days is a new type of experience that I recommend others try at least once. '' - Iain Jones

Gear used during Cocodona

Graves PX ShortsLynx PD Base Liner

''I wore the green Grave's PX 5'' shorts with the Lynx PD 3'' liner.  I used 1 liner for the whole race.  This short system is what drew me to Path Projects in the first place...and this is why.  I have had severe chafing in the past with other shorts.  These are my mainstay not for any race length.'' - Dave Stinchfield

Cascade SS TSykes AT Short

''I wore the Sykes AT shorts with the Lynx PD liner. I will admit that I did change liners once this year, after not changing at all last year for 5 days of pacing/crewing. Not a single chafe or hotspot. The Cascade T was cool and comfortable crossing the dells and Fain Ranch. ''  Tom Gulch
cocodona 250 race

Pyrenees T19 hooded shirt

''The Pyrenees may be the most versatile hoodie ever. Perfect for lounging, traveling, etc. but it shined in keeping me either warm or cool depending on time of day, and minimizing the impact of the blistering rays from the sun.''

''if you are looking for a 200+ mile race, this is it. If you are looking for gear to get you through a binge session, through the airport, training run, race, or epic adventure, PATH is it.'' Tom Gulch

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