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Chicago Marathon Weekend with Ten Junk Miles

Chicago Marathon Weekend with Ten Junk Miles


🚨Enter to Win a $100 gift card, see details below. 🚨

running in chicago
We just came back from 4 days of running, cheering and meeting with friends in Chicago. The marathon weekend was in full effect with many running activities. 
We met up with the Ten Junk Miles podcast to eat the best deep-dish pizza in town and to record a group show. We had a long conversation about how Path Projects started, things we have learned in the past 2 years, upcoming products and much more. Episode link to follow next month.
ten junk miles podcast
With Scott Kummer, Holly Lindroth and Adam Benkers in the Ten Junk Miles studio.
After visiting the marathon expo, we went for a running tour of downtown Chicago. The rain and wind was coming down in full force and gave us a glimpse of fall running in the Midwest.
running group in chicago
floris gierman and scott kummer ten junk miles
On Saturday morning, we set up a marathon shake out run with friends from Path Projects, Ten Junk Miles and Extramilest. Great to meet runners from all over the US, Canada, Australia and Europe. We ran by the water front and talked marathon training and racing strategies.
group run in chicago
On Sunday we cheered on more than 40,000 marathoners at mile 24 on Michigan Ave. Very exciting to see the elite runners flying by so fast and smooth. 
Incredible to watch Brigid Kosgei set a new women's world record in 2:14:04
Coach Morgan from The Run Experience hosted a 2 hour live web cast from mile 24, while everyone cheered on the runners.
path projects ten junk miles and the run experience


Join our upcoming group runs:

Oct 31 - Thu
Central Park Group Run, New York
Join us for a mellow 4 ish mile run.

Nov 1 - Fri
Path Projects photo shoot - Central Park, New York
Join us to shoot some photos for the Path Projects Blog

Nov 2 - Sat
New York Marathon Shakeout Run
Join us for a short (30 minutes) shakeout run. Hang, chat, and more!

Dec 7 - Sat 
CIM Marathon Shakeout Run - Sacramento, CA
Join us for a short (30 minutes) shakeout run. Hang, chat, and more!

🚨Enter to Win a $100 gift card🚨

Congrats to last week's winner AJ Neufeld for winning 1 Cascade T-shirt and 2 Tahoe Base liners. 

This week enter to win a $100 gift card from Path Projects. Let us know in the comments, what is one advice you would give other runners looking to improve their running?


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174 commenti

Try to enjoy every minute on your feet…

Jon M,

My advice on how to improve running is to find your “why”! This will give you a reason to get out in nature and try to make the best of life in all ways.

Anthony Gasbarro,

After two years with very little gym time, I recently added strength training a few days a week. I can’t encourage that enough. That little bit of work pays off, especially at the end of longer runs. That and consistency. You have to keep putting change in the jar, even if it’s just a dime! Even on bad days, you can still put in a mile or two. That consistency also pays off huge.

Michael Friesen,

Make sure running is fun. You’re not going to stick with it if you’re suffering. Go slower, mix up roads and trails, run with friends – whatever it takes to have fun while you run.

Brian Parkison,

Don’t over stress about speed or distance! Focus on getting your form down pat, then you’ll improve other aspects – injury-free!👍🏻


Don’t die in the chair.

Kelli Rudd,

Consistency is definitely key, but running isn’t enough. If you want to improve, adding strength training into your regimen will improve all aspects of your running. Building the muscles that help propel you will not only help your running, but will also help stave off injury. Run free, run far.

Brian Wean,

Relax. It’s supposed to be fun, right?


Consistency is definitely key, but running isn’t enough. If you want to improve, adding strength training into your regimen will improve all aspects of your running. Building the muscles that help propel you will not only help your running, but will also help stave off injury. Run free, run far.

Brian Wean,

Don’t forget to rest! Overtraining in ultrarunning is far too common!


Rest and Recovery days are key to getting stronger and faster do not skip them your body needs it!


Listen to your body! Rest is as important a facet of training as the training miles are.

Eli Burakian,

Listen to your body. The right training plan for you should feel good.

Neil R,

Keep your motivation in focus. I run because I like to keep healthy and I want to live forever as an adventurer. My motivation leads me to different goals and helps me through the grind of training plateaus.


In the words of Tommy Rivers. “Put in the time. Train hard. Plan smart. Rest often. Eat clean. Love the process. Race when you’re ready, and then fight like hell!”

Ryan Brown,

Join a group that meets a few times a week. You will feel more accountable for doing the runs and you will make some great friends!

Joe Nartker,

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